
Showing your Home on Short Notice

Unless you’re selling in a strong sellers’ market, you should take advantage of every opportunity to show your home. Say, for example, an interested buyer would like to see your property tomorrow evening. If you say no, they might see another listing in the meantime — and make an offer! So, ...

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4 Ways to Find the Time to Sell your Home

Are you thinking about selling your home this spring? If so, one factor that may be holding you back is time. You might be worried that you won’t find the time in your busy schedule to sell your property successfully. If so, here are four strategies that will help: Understand ...

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5 Easy Ways to Make your Home More Eco-Friendly

These days, people are more environmentally conscious. When it comes to their homes, that often starts with being more thoughtful about heating and cooling so they’re consuming less energy. With that in mind, here are some tips for making your home more eco-friendly: Install a smart thermostat. Modern thermostats come ...

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